Thursday, October 20, 2011

Rant #1 10.20.11

Sooo there's a Halloween Fair literally outside my window (as I live on the corner of the block) for the Police Station located 2 blocks away.
The Police Station came about not to long ago (maybe a or two year now) and I was glad because this meant that the next time we needed them, they might get here in time. The keyword is might.
Anyway, this is I believe their second (quite possibly third) annual for the Halloween Fair, and honestly I had no real problems with it, for they set up on a street that runs North/South a block west from me.
Traffic and commuting was a disaster, for they set up on a major street, but otherwise I didn't even notice it was there.

The problem this year, however, is that they've somewhat changed locations.
For example, let's say last year they were located on the intersection between street A and B. Street A runs north and south while Street B runs east and west. Last year, the fair encompassed approximately 3 blocks on street A, thereby only affecting street B at the intersection.
This year, they've decided to run the fair on street B. What this did is that now they were setting up outside my window, which the first street light east of street A on street B. I hope you're still following. If you're not, just get that they were setting up outside my window and that they had not the previous years.

The point is that they began setting up yesterday afternoon. At the time it was a mild surprise and amusement at the new location they had chosen, but I had nothing against it for the moment.
But came nightfall and the clanking sounds of machinery being set up. There was flashing lights everywhere and there was an incessant humming from every machine in sight.
To top it off a bunch of Latinos (not trying to be racist but this is true because of the fact that they were unmistakably speaking in Spanish), presumably the people setting up, were whistling and screaming for whatever reasons (possibly celebratory..but in celebration of what?) in the middle of the night. And it almost seemed like they were PURPOSELY throwing things on the ground, trying to cause a ruckus.

A thought came to contact the police about this disturbance, but I quickly came to the conclusion that the police might not appreciate me ranting to them about how the fair (that's supposed to be bringing them revenue) was ruining my night.
And to be honest, I have an irrational fear of being beat by the police. Ghetto mentality right there.
Anyway, this went on for many hours, but eventually the sleepiness won and I fell asleep.

I was awakened by a noise at around 2 30 in the morning. I tried to figure out what it was, but it wasn't coming from outside, for it looked like the lights of the machines were turned off and the set up crew was most likely in a drunken slumber.
I strained my ears to hear...snoring.
That's right, snoring.
The snoring was coming from downstairs, as I live on the second floor. Now this was peculiar because in all my years of living at this place, I have never heard a snore without having to press my ear against the carpet (don't ask why I had my ear against the carpet).
The people who had lived there had moved out a few months earlier and I was free to make all the noise I wanted, in which I did.
But this must have been some outrageous window shattering snore only matched by the snoring of a Snorlax while eating Leftovers.
The ridiculousness of it all kept me awake for another 30 minutes. But as I've proved in many a parties, I always knock out when I need my sleep.
Then I was awakened AGAIN at 4 30. This time, apparently, the TV was on downstairs at a blaring volume. Who watches TV that LOUD at 4 30 in the morning? What is there even to watch at that time?

I eventually fell back to sleep and I thought it was all over. Except it wasn't.
I was awakened AGAIN at around 6 45 (why 2 hour intervals, I don't know) by a bunch of kids walking to school, commenting on the rides that had been set up. Now if they were just commenting at a conversational volume it would have been fine. BUT, they happened to be screaming it to each other across the street. Yeah.

I went back to sleep only to be REAWAKENED by the TELEVISION AGAIN from downstairs. I looked at the clock and it was 7 35. I am not a happy camper.

I had stopped practicing handstands after the people moved in downstairs, but I think I might be starting it up again, just for them. (When I walk on my hands I tend to make a lot of noise).

Anyway, that would be the subject of my ranting (for the moment) but I'm sure there'll be more to come, for the Fair is here to stay for at least another few days. (That and I tend to rant about normal things in general.)


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